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Medipeel 升級版 透明質酸 維生素美白面膜 25ml x 10 片

Medipeel 升級版 透明質酸 維生素美白面膜 25ml x 10 片

定價 $99.00 HKD
定價 $159.00 HKD 售價 $99.00 HKD
特價 售罄

庫存不足:剩餘 1 件

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  • 上午 11 點前下單當天出貨


  • Medipeel 升級版 透明質酸維生素美白面膜 是一款專為希望改善肌膚明亮度和保濕的使用者設計的高效護膚產品。每片面膜都富含透明質酸和維生素成分,旨在深層滋潤肌膚,同時提供美白效果。這款面膜不僅能夠有效淡化暗沉和色斑,還能提升肌膚的光澤和彈性,讓肌膚看起來更加年輕和健康。


  • 透明質酸:深層滋潤肌膚,幫助保持水分,讓肌膚更加柔軟光滑。
  • 維生素成分:富含維生素C和其他美白成分,有助於淡化色斑和提亮膚色,改善肌膚的整體明亮度。
  • 便捷的面膜設計:每片面膜均獨立包裝,方便使用,保持面膜的新鮮度,適合隨時隨地使用。
  • 滋潤與美白雙重效果:同時提供深層保濕和美白效果,讓肌膚看起來更加健康有光澤。
  • 適合所有肌膚類型:溫和配方,不會刺激肌膚,適合敏感肌膚使用。


  1. 清潔面部:使用潔面產品徹底清潔臉部,去除妝容和污垢。

  2. 使用爽膚水(可選):如有使用爽膚水的習慣,潔面後可先用爽膚水為肌膚做好準備。

  3. 打開面膜包裝:取出一片 Medipeel 升級版 透明質酸維生素美白面膜

  4. 敷上面膜:將面膜輕輕貼合於面部,確保面膜緊密貼合肌膚,並輕輕抚平空氣泡。

  5. 放鬆心情:靜待約15-20分鐘,讓面膜中的有效成分充分滲透至肌膚。

  6. 取下面膜:時間到後,輕輕撕下面膜,並將其丟棄。

  7. 輕輕按摩剩餘精華:用手輕輕按摩臉部,助於剩餘的精華液吸收,無需沖洗。

  8. 後續護膚:可根據需要,繼續使用日常護膚產品,如精華、面霜等。

  9. 使用頻率:建議每週使用1-2次,以達到最佳效果。


Cleanse Your Face: Start by cleansing your face thoroughly with a suitable cleanser to remove any makeup, dirt, and impurities.

Tone (Optional): If you use a toner, apply it after cleansing to prepare your skin for better absorption of the mask.

Open the Mask Pack: Carefully remove the Medipeel 8 Hyaluronic Acid Hyal Vitamin Rx Mask Pack from its packaging.

Apply the Mask: Place the sheet mask over your face, ensuring that it fits snugly and aligns with your facial features. Smooth out any air bubbles for better adherence.

Relax: Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes to allow the active ingredients to penetrate deeply into the skin.

Remove the Mask: After the recommended time, gently peel off the mask and discard it.

Massage Remaining Essence: Lightly massage any remaining essence into your skin until fully absorbed. Do not rinse your face.

Follow with Skincare Routine: Continue with your regular skincare routine, applying your favorite serum, moisturizer, or other treatments as desired.

Use as Needed: For best results, use the mask 1-2 times a week or as needed for a boost of hydration and radiance.


8 Types of Hyaluronic Acid: Formulated with multiple molecular weights of hyaluronic acid for deep hydration and moisture retention.

Vitamin Rx Complex: Infused with vitamins that help to brighten the skin and promote a more even skin tone.

Intensive Hydration: Provides long-lasting moisture, helping to soothe and plump dry, dehydrated skin.


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